Zachary Wong
Friday, March 20, 2020
1 min read
Shree Mahendra Adarsha Secondary School
Updated: Saturday, March 21, 2020

Status: Ongoing

Project Description: For a few years, this school did not have the funds to repair their only electric filter critical in providing clean drinking water for their students. The problem was that the water had no primary treatment before passing through their electric filter, overloading the electric filter to the point of ineffectiveness and ultimately failure. Not only did WIN fund a the repair of the electric filter, but with the support of our donors, WIN also funded a BioSand filter. The BioSand filter contains layers such as small chip concrete, sand, and coal which removes many of the water's smaller particles and sediments before passing through their electric filter. The bio-sand filter will increase the lifespan of the school's electric filter and lower its maintenance costs over time.

Number of Beneficaries: 900 students/staff

Location: Kathmandu, Nepal

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